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A Life of Rapid Change and Reinvention

I'm fascinated with choices and how they alter the course of our lives, how our ego affects decision-making and whether you should accept life as it comes or attack it full on. These undercurrents are prevalent in my books as well as my analysis of speculative fiction, whether it be TV, film or books. 

I love a fast-paced adventure with plenty of twists and turns, dosed with seriousness and humour. I hope I've managed to convey all of this in my writing. Before starting school, I started reading and have never stopped since. While I enjoy science fiction and fantasy, my book lists cover all possible genres, including biographies, travel books and history. Hence my love of libraries and the feel of a book in my hand. I'm getting into the ebooks revolution but will always have a book on my bedside table. 

Born and raised in southern Sweden, Lund to be specific, I have since lived in many countries around the world, some of which feature in the books I write. Nowadays, I spend most of my time divided between my summerhouse in the south of Sweden and the beautiful Swedish capital of Stockholm, together with my amazing wife. 

Now an aspiring author, I changed career after several tech and sustainability startups. Raising money, leading teams and travelling across the world have all informed my writing. And to be frank, writing and marketing a book is not much different from a typical startup. While the writing process is more solitary, the rest entails an excellent supporting team. 

I have always wanted to write a book, but choices in life have taken me in different directions. With the pandemic of 2020/2021, I found myself in a contemplative mood where I finally decided to give it a shot. If not now, when? 

I tested the waters with a short story; Sustenance - The Tragedy of Friston Sabio. The feedback I received was fantastic and made me incredibly excited to take this further. 

​Building out a world has been amazing, and I'm brimming with stories to tell. The plan is to release a series of 7 standalone and self-contained short stories from the same fictional universe. 

My writing is set in our time but viewed through a distorted mirror, causing slightly exaggerated expositions. Although sometimes I find reality trumping fiction. I categorise it as speculative fiction, with science fiction elements, dystopian undertones and a sprinkle of satire. I can promise lots of twists and turns, fast-paced storytelling, plenty of clues for the inquisitive mind and at times, you will be asking yourself what is real or not. Either way, I hope you enjoy stepping into another reality. 

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